Pamela Mullins Piano Studio

Piano Instruction for All Ages
Musicianship, Theory, Technique, Performance, Ear-training

News and Events

2023 Congratulations
Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum Solo Auditions
  Superiors:  Darcy, Emma, Lindsay, Helen, Henry, Katherine, Kenan, Jaxon,  Xavier, Aria, Asher, Angela
  Elementary First Place:  Kenan
  Elementary Finalist:  Emma
  Junior Finalist:  Angela
  Senior Finalist:  Lindsay
  Graduating Senior Third Place:  Katherine 

Federation Festival - February 25, 2023
 100% Earned Superiors:  Darcy, Lindsay, Helen, Henry,  Elsa, Matthias, John William, 
   Jaxon, Xavier, Aria, Asher
Federation ScholarshipFestival - February 11, 2023
  Charlotte, Katherine, and Kenan earned Superior.  
  Katherine and Kenan were invited to participate in State.

2022 Congratulations
Wingate University Senior Competition:  Lindsay B., 2nd Place Winner Senior Division
Federation Festival - 100% of PMPS students earned Superior:  Darcy, Emma B., Lindsay, Helen, Henry, Jocelyn, Charles, Charlotte, Elsa, Matthias,  Katherine, Kenan, John William, Jaxon, Xavier, Aria, Asher

Forum Superiors:   Emma B, Lindsay, Helen, Henry, Jocelyn, Charlotte, Matthias, Katherine, Kenan, Jaxon, Xavier, Aria, Asher
Graduating Sr. 1st Place Winner - Jocelyn
Sr. Finalist - Lindsay
Junior 1st -  Matthias
Elementary 2nd - Kenan, 3rd - Emma B
Perfect Theory:  Darcy, Helen, Matthias, Kenan

Guild High School Diploma:  Jocelyn
Guild Superior Plus:  Emma B., Lindsay, Jocelyn, Charlotte,  Elsa, Matthias, 
Guild Superior:  Darcy,  Helen, Henry, Emma K., John William,  Jaxon, Xavier, Aria, and Asher

2021 Congratulations
CPTF Concerto
  Senior 2nd place - Lindsay
  Intermediate HM - Elsa
  Elementary 1st place - Emma B
  Elementary HM - Jaxon
  Primary 2nd place - Xavier
  Superiors:  Darcy, Emma, Lindsay,  Charlotte,  Elsa, Jaxon, Xavier

Wingate Competition
  Junior 1st place - Matthias

NCMTA District Piano Performance Festival (PPF)
  Highest Honors - Jocelyn, Lindsay, Emma, Matthias, Otto,  and Olivia 
   Highest Honors - Lindsay Byrd and Matthias 

Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum
  Junior 2nd place - Lindsay
  Intermediate 1st place - Matthias
    Finalist - Helen
  Elementary Finalist - Enzo
  Primary  1st  place - Kenan
  Primary 2nd place, - Emmas Kenan 
  Primary 3rd place - Olivia
  Superiors:  Darcy, Emma B., Lindsay, Helen, Henry, Jocelyn, Charlotte, Elsa, Matthias, Olivia, Nelson, Emma K., Katherine, Kenan, Enzo

Federations Festival - 100% of PMPS Students who entered earned Superior:  Darcy, Emma B., Lindsay, Helen, Henry, Charlotte, Fisher, Elsa, Matthias, Spencer,  Emma K., Kenan, John William, Eliza, Jaxon, Xavier, Marianna, Aria, Asher, Otto, Enzo, Nelson,  and Olivia

Scholarship Winner Recitalist Runner Up - Katherine

2020 Congratulations

Wingate Competition Senior 1st Place - Jocelyn
                                   Junior 1st Place -  Mathias 

Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum Junior Concerto Competition Honorable Mention - Charlote
NCMTA State Piano Performance Festival Highest Honors
    Jocelyn Chen, Stephanie Milvain, and Enzo Restelli

2019 Congratulations

Piano Teachers 2019 Concerto Auditions Honorable Mention
    Charlotte, Matthias, and Olivia
    Students who learned a concerto and participated in Charlotte Piano Teachers Concerto Auditions
    Helen,  Charlotte, Elsa, Matthias, Nelson, Olivia, Spencer, Stephanie, Enzo,  and Elizabeth

High Point University Junior Piano Competition - First Place Christopher 
Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum Solo Auditions:
   First Place  - Graduating Senior: Winnifer Chen
   First Place - Elementary:  Matthias
   Third Place - Senior:  Jocelyn
   Finalist - Senior:  Spencer
   Finalist - Intermediate - Elizabeth
Perfect Theory Score in Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum Auditions:  Matthias, Nelson, and Henry
Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum.  100% of PMPS Students who entered earned Superior.
  Helen, Henry, Jocelyn, Winnifer, Charlotte, Elsa, Matthias, Nelson, Olivia, Emma, Spencer, Anna Scott, Enzo, Melissa, and Elizabeth.

NCMTA State Highest Honors:  Matthias, Nelson, Helen, Jocelyn, and Charlotte
NCMTA District Highest Honors:  Matthias, Olivia, Nelson, Helen, Henry, Marianna, Jocelyn, Charlotte, Anna Scott, Spencer, and the duet team Matthias & Nelson.

Federation Festival Superiors:  Elsa, Matthias, Winnifer, Jocelyn, Henry, Helen, Olivia, Nelson, Marianna, Melissa, Molly, Charlotte, Anna Scott, Spencer, and Emunah!

PMPS is excited to welcome a new teaching associate to the studio, Alexandra Mullins.  Ms. Alexandra will offer Skype/Facetime lessons, as well as occasional in-person lessons to students who wish to learn at home, combined with a choice of 1-4  in-person coaching sessions with Mrs. Pamela Mullins.  Ms. Alexandra's students will receive all the benefits of PMPS (Master Classes, Piano Parties, and Recitals with Ms. Pamela) at reduced tuition and more efficient time usage, since Web lessons will allow you to have lessons in your home.  Additionally, students will profit from the ideas and expertise of two different teachers, who share a vision of musical excellence. Please visit  "Teachers" page for Ms. Alexandra's biography.  If you are interested in lessons with Ms. Alexandra, please email Ms. Pamela at

2018 Congratulations
Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum Concerto Competiton
  Elementary 1st - Matthias
  Intermediate 2nd - Elizabeth
  Honorable Mention - Nelson and Melissa
  Superiors:  Charlotte Depp, Matthias, Elsa, Molly, Nelson, Marianna, and Elizabeth 

NC School of the Arts Classical Music Competiton
  Honorable Mention:  Matthias and Emma K.

Congratulations to Stephanie and Christopher for successfully competing in the First Steinway Piano Competition. Stephanie played beautifully and Christopher earned third place in the Senior Division.  

  Superior Plus:  Xinting, Jocelyn & Winnifer, Charlotte, Nelson & Olivia, Spencer, Anna Scott, Emma, Stephanie, Emma,
  Rosemary, Christopher, Emunah, Marianna, and Elizabeth.
  Guild Superior:  Bellevie

Congratulations to Christopher Saba on winning first place in the Charlotte Music Club Audition.

Forum  Solo Winners:  
   Elementary 2nd Place - Nelson 
  Junior 3rd Place - Stephanie
  Senior 2nd Place - Winnifer
  Senior Certificate of Merit - Christopher
Perfect Theory Scores:  Helen & Henry, Jocelyn,  Xinting, Nelson,  Spencer, Rosemary, Emunah, Elizabeth
Superiors:  Henry & Helen, Xinting, Jocelyn, Winnifer, Charlotte, Sarah, Nelson, Spencer, Anna Scott, Eva, Stephanie, Rosemary, Christopher, Emunah, Elizabeth

NCMTA PPF State Highest Honors:  Jocelyn and Winnifer
NCMTA Piano Performance (PPF) District Highest Honors:  Jocelyn, Winnifer, Charlotte, Nelson, Spencer, Anna Scott, Emunah,  Rosemary, and Xinting

Federation Superiors: Henry & Helen,  Jocelyn & Winnifer, Charlotte, Molly & Sarah, Bellevie, Nelson & Olivia, Spencer,  Anna Scott, Stephanie, Rosemary, Emunah, Marianna

Congratulations to Christopher Saba for Winning the Charlotte Symphony Guild Senior Division Young Artist and performing beautifully with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.

~Congratulations to Jessica (Xinting) Chen and Christopher Saba on earning Honorable Mention in the Forum Concerto Competition.
~Congratulations to Christopher Saba on winning the First Wingate Piano Competition
~Congratulations for All Guild Superiors:  Max, Joy, Henry, Helen, Jocelyn, Winnifer, Alivia, Nelson,  Kayna, Emma, Anna Scott, Eva, Stephanie and Christopher.
~Congratulations to Christopher Saba for Winning first place in the Senior Division of East Carolina University State Piano Competition!
~Congratulations to Jocelyn Chen for Winning Third Place Prize for Forum!  She received a cash prize
   and an invitation to play at the May Honors Recital.
~Congratulations to all Forum Superiors:  Max, Helen, Henry, Jocelyn,  Winnifer, Molly, Sarah, Emma,  Anna Scott, Eva, Stephanie, Chrisopher,  
~Congratulations to the two 2017 NCMTA Piano Performance Festival State Duet Winners:  Nelson/Emma and Jocelyn/Winnifer.  These 
   outstanding students are invited to perform at the NCMTA State Honors Recital.
~Congratulations to all 2017 NCMTA Piano Performance Festival State Solo Winners:  Helen, Anna Scott, Jocelyn and Christopher.  These
   outstanding students are invited to perform at the NCMTA State Honors Recital.
~Congratulations to all 2017 NCMTA Piano Performance Festival District Duet  Highest Honors: Winnifer/Jocelyn, Molly/Sarah and Nelson/Emma
~Congratulations to all 2017 NCMTA Piano Performance Festival District Solo Highest Honors:  Joy, Max, Helen, Jocelyn, Winnifer, Sarah, Anna Scott, Eva, Stephanie, and Christopher
~Congratulations to all 2017 Federation Superiors:   Max, Henry, Helen, Jocelyn, Winnifer, Alivia, Molly, Sarah, Nelson,  Kayna, Anna Scott,  Eva, Stephanie,  Christopher
-Congratulations to Stephanie Milvain for participating in the 2017 Chalotte Symphony Guild Concerto Audition.
~Congratulations to all 2016 Concerto participants:  Jocelyn Chen, Winnifer Chen, Nelson Huang and Christopher Saba.  
~ Congratulations to Nelson for winning third place in the Primary Concerto Division.
~Congratulations to all 2016 Guild participants:  Max, Kayna, Yidan, Joy, Stephanie, Alivia, Christopher, Emma K., Dennis, Eva,  Anna Scott, Helen and   Henry - all received either Superior -, Superior or Superior+.
~Congratulations to Anna Scott, Molly, Stephanie, Christopher and Yidan on NCMTA State Superior.  These outstanding students will perform at the NCMTA State Recital at Wake Forest in October. 
~Congratulations to Yidan Zhang and Christopher Saba on winning first place in Forum Primary and Senior Divisions.
~Congratulations on Emma Saba winning first place in Charlotte Music Club and 2nd place in Forum Graduating Senior.
~Congratulations to Joy Bao-Dai and Christopher Saba for participating in Forum Finals.  
~Congratulations to Emma and Christopher Saba for winning the NCMTA State and Southern Division Senior Piano Duet Competition.
~Congratulations to Christopher and Emma Saba on earning Honorable Mention at MTNA State.
~Congratulations to Christopher Saba for winning third place in the 2015 Forum Concerto Competition.
Congratulations to Ian Stewart for his National Compostition Award for the National Guild.  This is a huge honor!!!
Congratulations to Emma and Christopher Saba for their second place honors at the ECU State Competition.
Congratulations to NCMTA Participants:  Joy, Molly & Sarah, Anna Scott, Scott & Stephanie,
    Christopher & Emma, Ian, Kate and Abigail.   100% of students earned Superior!!!
Congratulations to Forum Solo Finalists:  Joy Bao-Dai, Stephanie Milvain, Christopher and Emma Saba 
    and Ian Stewart.   Christopher won first place in Junior Division.  Emma and Ian won Certificates 
    of Merit.
Congratulations to  Christopher & Emma Saba for wins at 2015 Young Artist: Christopher won Junior Grand Prize
    Emma was second place.  Christopher will play with the CSYO, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 3:30pm.